Sunday, August 16, 2009

Poi Entertainer

Poi originates from the Maori people of New Zealand. It is the art of employing a ball or balls suspended from a length of flexible material held in the hand and swung in circular patterns used b men in combat. Later, the women of the tribe became envious and insisted on learning the art. Poi then became an art of flirting used by the village vixens. Modern poi uses fireballs and is usually performed on the beach by hot women. You can visit, the official website of the first Poi entertainers of the Philippines.

The captivating art of Poi has one formula;
hot bod + flailing fireballs = one scorching party

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mini Cake Baker

Mini cakes are widely becoming popular these days. The mini cake tree is a practical alternative to the traditional multi-layered wedding cake and they could also be used as give-away in weddings. Mini cakes can also be used as a gift for your special someone's birthday or any occasion. It looks cute, yummy, and unique. The best part is, its relatively cheap cause its small. For the budget-tight average joe, the idea of giving a mini cake with a candle, with flowers is a great alternative to stuff stoys, and expensive stuff lady love wants. It may be cheap, but this diskarte is one pogi-point-getter. Just learn how to bake cakes and all that matters is how you decorate the cake. Mini cakes are highly customizable. Creativity is your key to success.

Birthday Party Cosplayer

Question: What if you're a freakin filthy rich kid and it's your birthday, the day you were born naked in this little green planet we call earth. Your parents want you to have one sick birthday celebration and they gave you the following options, which will you choose?
A. Balloons and Clowns
B. Flowers and a cute pony
C. A Naruto-themed birthday with all your favorite characters, wherein everyone will be drooling in envy

Answer: It's the obvious C.

Who in the right mind would pick clowns and ponies? Lame! There's something about clowns that make them creepy and scary. Ponies by the way, poop. You wouldn't want that brown smelly lump to ruin the party, right?

If you got the balls to show up as Hello Kitty or Bubbles in a children party, then this is the raket for you. All you need is a costume and the nerve to act stupid and crazy in front of the kids. Drag your barkada into it, if you want. Just by showing up and acting , you can make the liitle brats happy and at the same time earn cash.

Green Jewelry

Be sassy and stylish with earth-friendly jewelry you make yourself! These Instructables feature methods that reduce waste, recycle objects and use sustainable materials. You can feel good about sporting your new bling, knowing you've reduced your impact on the environment! Nowadays, people are into saving mother earth. There are people out there who opt for recycled creations. Learn from the guys of Green Grab and Rags to Riches who are now exporting their recycled product outside the country. The best thing about recycling is that you don't need capital to buy raw materials, it's basically trash that you can ask for free. Maybe it's time to make lambing with mamang basurero.


For one recycled paper, glass and silver bead bracelet, you will need:
-1 page from an old magazine, junk mail, calendar, brochure or a piece of gift wrapping paper- suggest choosing a colors you enjoy and one with a glossy finish. Don't worry about words on the page!
-A paper cutter with marked measurements or an utility/ exacto knife and ruler
-A glue stick
-Wooden toothpicks
-Clear nail polish and a small piece of styrofoam
-Elastic beading cord (about 9-10")
-Leftover silver and glass beads
-Cuticle scissor

You can visit for instrcutions.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mirror Artist

Mirror art is simply small pieces of mirror in varying colors and shapes that have been assembled together to resemble a picture, landscape or even abstract design. The equipment needed to create the art is inexpensive and includes a few hand tools and a glass grinder. And of course, glass! You can get the most important material for this creation for free. Yes for free, you heard it right. Just go to your glass local glass shop and go mirror hunting. Most glass shops dispose of mirror cutoff pieces that are too small to sell, but these same pieces of mirror are perfectly sized to create mirror art. A man's trash is another man's treasure.

You can visit for patterns.

Loans for the Poor

Short on budget? ABS-CBN's Bayan Foundation is offering loan assistance to the needy.


This program provides group loans to poor micro-enterprenuers with an initial loan size of a maximum of P2,000 as supplemental capital for an established enterprise. The scheme is that five clients form a group who will guarantee each others' loans and make sure that each member complies with Bayan's policies and procedures. In succeeding loan cycles, a client is allowed a maximum of P2,000 more than her previous loan but not exceeding P19,000. The amount of loan in subsequent loan cycles is dependent on their previous loan performance measured by three factors: consistent & on-time repayments, attendance to weekly group meetings, and status of the business.

Client has two windows to choose: GAAN-HULOG and TODO-KAPITAL. Gaan-Hulog is for members who want a lower monthly amortization. Todo-Kapital is for members who want to receive their loan amount in full.


* interest rate of 3% per month (add-on / flat)
* payment terms: 1-6 months
* weekly cash payment (thru deposit slips)
* 1% service fee
* penalty: 5% of the principal
* center meeting: one hour per week


* interest rate of 4% per month (add-on / flat)
* payment terms: 2.5 or 5 months
* weekly cash payment (thru deposit slips)
* no service fee
* penalty: 5% of the principal
* center meeting: one hour per week


* 3 to 5 members with similar economic status
* 18 to 65 years old
* preferably a permanent resident in the area
* must undergo a 3-day orientation on rules, discipline, mission and values
* Loan Application form
* Community Tax Certificate
* Barangay clearance


* ABS-CBN Bayan introduces the program to an already identified area (where there is high poverty incidence)
* those interested approaches ABS-CBN Bayan and expresses his or her willingness to be a member
* groups of 3-5 members formed (each member should know all members of the group and should be familiar with the proposed microenterprise project of all group members)
* Microfinance Officer (MFO) conducts SOCIAL PREPARATION - Training on loan process, credit and collection process, peer pressure and mutual support, savings, group and center formation, responosibilities as ABS-CBN Bayan members (the whole process takes 3 weeks)
* Prospective clients fill out an application form
* ABS-CBN Bayan conducts Background/Credit Investigation
* Loan approval/disapproval
* Loan release- clients go to branch to pick up cheques
* Collection and done by MFOs weekly


This program provides the laboring and entrepreneurial poor with an initial minimum loan of P10,000 to a maximum amount of P150,000.00. This loan is for individuals who will use the money to support the expansion of his/her established business. In this type of loan, the client is required to issue post-dated checks (PDCs) for his/her weekly repayment for the duration of the amortization period. One can avail of several loan cycles. In succeeding loan cycles, a client is allowed a maximum of P5,000 more than her previous loan. The amount of loan in subsequent loan cycles is dependent on their previous loan performance measured by two factors: consistent & on time repayments, and status of the business. For loans amounts higher than P100,000, a Chattel Mortgage (CM) or Real Estate Mortgage (REM) is required.

Client has two windows to choose: GAAN-HULOG and TODO-KAPITAL. Gaan-Hulog is for members who wants a lower monthly amortization. Todo-Kapital is for members who wants to receive their loan amount in full.


* interest rate of 3% per month (add-on / flat)
* payment terms: 1-6 months
* weekly cash payment thru post-dated checks
* 1% service fee
* penalty: 5% of the principal


* interest rate of 4% per month (add-on / flat)
* payment terms: 1-6 months
* weekly cash payment thru post-dated checks
* no service fee
* penalty: 5% of the principal


* 18 to 65 years old
* preferably a permanent resident in the area
* must undergo a 3-day orientation on rules, discipline, mission and values
* Loan Application form
* Community Tax Certificate
* Barangay clearance


* Clients are identified through referrals and word-of-mouth
* Clients submit the following documents to pre-qualify:
* Barangay clearance/community tax certificate
* Mayor's Permit
* DTI Registration
* Bank statement (previous month) to show exsitence of checking account
* Business must have a minimm capitalization of PhP 20,000
* A more thorough brackground and credit investigation is required which includes authentication of submitted documents
* The co-maker or guarantor needs to be established by checking his/her background and credit profile as well
* The co-maker or guarantor needs to be established by checking his/her background and prospective client submits application form, and credit investigation form.
* Loan approval/disapproval
* Loan release (upon submission of post-dated cheques)
* Bookkeeper/Finance Officer depostis post-dated cheques
* Monitoring every 2 weeks


Integrated in the two loan products are the Magandang Bukas (savings fund) and Kalingang Bayan (insurance fund). The purpose of the MAGANDANG BUKAS is to finally liberate the client from being a perennial borrower and that the client will be able to sustain his/her income generating efforts. Savings is computed at 4% of loan amount for the first three months and 2% for the succeeding months. Bayan charges a 4% interest per annum for the savings deposited by clients. Furthermore, clients can only get his/her savings upon withdrawal from the program. The client can also withdraw half of the savings of his/her previous loan if his/her succeeding loan is equal or more than her previous loan.

The KALINGANG BAYAN serves as insurance, i.e., in case a borrower dies within the loan term, the balance of the loan is written off. In case of group loans, the group responsibility and accountability to the members are also lifted. In addition, the family of the deceased member also gets the principal amount of loan as life insurance. The Kalingang Bayan is computed as two peso per thousand of loan amount multiplied by the number of months of payment or amortization.

To renew access to the loan programs, the clients must have demonstrated proper use of previous loan and a good savings and credit performance. There has to be a 95% attendance to weekly group meetings and a 100% group repayment of loans. It is also important that there is a manifestation of trust, unity, discipline and responsibility among group members. This is ensured through active and continuing evaluation among group members and BAYAN.


The Lingap Kapamilya Program aims to provide protection to the members and their families in case of untimely death or accidental disability.


This was designed to extend credit to support other family needs of Buklod members. This may include children's school fees, food/groceries, house renovation, and financial assistance in cases of calamity and/or other emergencies. The program is aimed to be an encouragement for Buklod members to strengthen credit discipline and improve repayment performance. It also helps members to avoid spending their Pangkat-Buhayan Loans to other non-business and livelihood activities.


Linang Bayan is the client development program of ABS-CBN Bayan. Linang Bayan aims to enhance values, leadership and business management capabilities of members/clients, promote unity, family-spirit among members/clients, and help and prepare clients in reaching Small Enterprise business level.


Value Formation Training
This one-day training aims to impart essential values of work, investing, and savings and enable them to apply the principles learned as they relate to their family, their community and with the way they manage their businesses.

Parenting Workshop
This whole-day training focuses special role of parenting. Participants are enabled to appreciate and develop positive parenting attitudes.

Leadership Training
This two-day training is designed to improve leadership capabilities of the participants. This focuses on communication, discipline, transactional skills, conflict management and resolution, and social responsibility.


Personal Effectiveness and Group Development
This training is premised on the framework that group development can be achieved if members and leaders share common values and beliefs in achieving group goals and objectives.

Business Management Training
The seminar provides participants with business management skills needed in ensuring profitability and growth of business. This training may come with hands-on

Product Development and Quality Improvement
The training aims to provide practical livelihood skills among its participants that may be used in their respective businesses.


The training shall provide relevant technical skills training for the participants. At the end of the module, the participants should be more prepared in establishing their respective micro-enterprises.

Contact information:
ABS-CBN Bayan Foundation
14- A Scout Borromeo St. South Triangle
Quezon City 1103 Philippines Tel # : +632 372-8577
Local Toll Free No.: 1800-10-69222926

MicroLending Money and Small Financing

In the Philippines, microfinancing is an activity dominated by rural banks, non-government organizations (NGO) and people organizations (PO), with support from international donor organizations. It is a strategy used to combat poverty particularly in the rural areas.

There are several approaches to engaging in microfinancing. You can get accreditation from the NGOs like Grameen Bank, CARE Philippines and government institutions like Small Business Guarantee and Finance Corporation (SBGCF). Partnering with these organizations will provide you logistics, knowledge and support in pursuing this endeavor.

However, you can also decide to go at it alone - but with a lot more work, more risks and more resources.

I believe the most efficient private entities who are engaged in micro-lending are the "Bombays". Although they operate illegally as usurers, they have actually mastered the technique of marketing and collecting, so much so that they have flourished and grew and their simple "5-6" operation have been passed through generations.

Another more secure example of Microlending is the pawnshop. If your money is sufficient to capitalize one, this is the safest way to go because you don't lend any money without collateral. This business require accreditation from the Central Bank as a financial institution, you may check the rules and regulations from there.

You may want to visit the following sites to get more information on microfinancing:

USAID's Microenterprise Innovation Project - this site contains research, publications and newsletters that will give you more insight on this industry