Saturday, August 8, 2009

Parking Service

Here's the scenario, your lolo was once a rich don romantico back in his ballroom dancing days. He bought lands in the bario. Why? Cause he can. After a few years, the bario became a bustling metropolis complete with restos, grills, and malls. Shortly, your grand daddy died due to old age and too much ballroom back in his youthful days. He left you a piece of land right in the heart of the city surrounded by establishments. It'd be the perfect place for business, you don't have enough money to start one. Instead you end up paying up anuall taxes just to keep your lolo's pamana. Why not make money out of it? Im not saying you should sell it. For the love of lolo don romantico don't sell his pamana. Otherwise your grand daddy will arise from the grave and haunt you like sadako.

Here's what you should do, convert it into a parking lot. All you need to do is clear up the place. Make space for the cars and SUV's. You can charge them in hourly basis. As long as the land is entitled to your name its not public space, it's your space.